Relieff Acupuncture Center

Nervous System Disorder


Respiratory Disorder

At our hospital, Dr. Divya Bandarkar specializes in offering Sujok Therapy for respiratory issues. This approach targets specific points on your body, activating natural healing processes. It’s like giving your body a gentle nudge to heal itself. Patients experience relief from breathing problems without relying on medications, promoting overall respiratory health.

Sujok Acupuncture can Treat the following in Respiratory disorders:

  • Crenic Obstractive pulmonary Asis (COPD)
  • Branchial Asthama.?
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Comaron Could. (Allergic Rhynytic)
  • Pneumonia (lung Infection).
  • Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
  • Pulmonery fibrosis –
  • Allergic Asthma.

Dr that can treat the pain

Sujok Therapy, led by Dr. Divya Bandarkar, gently stimulates key points on your body, triggering your natural healing abilities. It’s akin to giving your body a gentle push to restore balance and alleviate respiratory discomfort. This holistic approach can provide relief from breathing difficulties without the need for medications, fostering improved respiratory health.
